Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Project Management Demystifies by De-stressing You

GOAL: Code Blue Managers Plan for Contingencies & Don’t Panic

When you watch ABC-TV’s “Grey’s Anatomy” hospital series, it’s common to see the ER or emergency room alert on “Code Blue” to signal a case of dire patient distress—with the need to resuscitate them from cardiac arrest or heart attack.

Well, Code Blue is an apt analogy for rescuing projects when they go astray, too. That’s when a project management professional needs to be even more adept in preventing the team process from hemorrhaging further.

Understandably, it’s not easy when emotions all around are flying high for the person in charge to calmly assess what needs doing, in order to save the life of the project.

Code Blue Strategy
But, this is the ultimate test of a project manager’s skills. The ability to take stock of the problem situation as soon as it arises and ably turning it around again— without other people realizing that a problem had occurred.

I recommend crafting a few contingency plans before they’re needed. That is, imagine challenges and emergencies that could foil your plan—before they happen. Brainstorm for ideas from stakeholders such as team members and even clients for suggestions on, “what if situations.” (As an aside, when clients are involved, it helps them segue into Plan B if the need arises.)

Over time, I’ve learned not to panic in dealing with emergencies. For example, I’d arranged for a local DJ to emcee a class reunion. He was to show up 30 minutes prior to the reunion. But, he didn’t, nor answer my phone calls.

Taking a deep breath, I went to the hotel reception to see if they had speakers or a radio. Luckily, they had a radio I could hook up my iPod to for background music. Then, the DJ arrived, late. (BTW, he’s not been re-hired.) I extended the cocktail hour another 30 minutes. Incredibly, no one was any wiser.

Be Prepared
Project planning can throw you curves—and the need to think on your feet, without high drama nor being stressed out by it.

BIO: A corporate executive and entrepreneur, Angela Brister is the author of When Life Hands You A Project, Manage It! Visit for more online project management ideas. You're welcome to quote from this article and credit the source to Angela Brister at:

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